Friday, September 4, 2015


let me entertain you with my tears
that flow from self pity
the knowing that most things done, are wrong, yet the thought that it doesn't count.

let me entertain you with my fears
that nothing good comes from me,
that everything step i take meets yet another stumbling block.

let me entertain you with my pride
when wounded, makes me rage like wild fire
the lessons i learn sometimes laced with regret.

let me entertain you with my doubt
that no one is out there with any good intentions
but daily encounters have yet to prove me otherwise

let me entertain you with my weakness
the life of i can always do it later
the stolen drive, passion and will to accomplish 

let me entertain you with my strength
the milestones achieved yet unnoticed
the voice in my head that says, you just did it.

let me entertain you with my smile
that mask the pain within my soul
the hope that someday everything will be just fine

let me entertain you with my words
that consciousness to always speak right
the swallowed words voiced in my head

let me entertain you with my love
the crazy emotions that paints a perfect picture
that reality of it that can't be described

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